Clover Fresh Floral Bouquet


Clover’s Fresh Floral Bouquet is an effective daily cleaner and disinfectant with a fresh floral fragrance. It is designed for regular use on all hard surfaces to maintain clean and hygienic conditions.

Fresh Floral Bouquet kills MRSA, kills 99.999% of bacteria and is tested to BS EN 1276 at a dilution of 1:30 by an independent laboratory.


Fresh Floral Bouquet is recommended for a variety of used in hotels, nightclubs, public houses conference centres, public rooms and public buildings, nursing homes, retirement homes, airports, department stores, shops, ships, boats and ferries.

Care sector: cleaning and disinfecting tables, door handles, bedsteads, hand rails, mobility equipment, washroom surfaces etc.

Leisure centres: disinfecting sports equipment, sunbeds and surfaces in changing rooms, suanas, steam rooms, etc.

Bar and catering: wiping down tables, bar tops etc.

Ideal to disinfect and deodorise: washroom areas, toilets, urinals, floors, drains, rubbish bins, rubbish carts, waste disposable chutes, carpets, entrance matting, sunbeds, sports equipment, etc.

Directions & Dilutions

  • Prepare a disinfectant solution by diluting 1 part Fresh Floral Bouquet with 30 parts clean water. It can be used stronger if required.
  • Apply using a spray, mop or cloth and wipe clean. To disinfect spillages on carpets, spray onto affected  area and remove excess liquid with a wet vacuum.
  • N.B. – heavily soiled surfaces should be rinsed clean before disinfection. Disinfectant solutions should always be freshly prepared.

Size: 5L

SKU: CLFFB5 Categories: ,