Specialist Cleaning Solutions for Challenging Industries

Food Processing
In an environment where hygiene is critical, and durability is challenging Cleancare have experience and products to provide reliable washroom dispensers that promote regular hand washing and dramatically reduce waste. Whether you feel wasted paper has reached an all-time high or cold damp environments are taking the toll on your dispensers. Perhaps you just want to review costs in the light of inflation, whatever your reason, our consultants will be delighted to arrange a washroom survey and demonstrate the dispensing systems best suited to your needs. We can also advise on your industrial cleaning products should this be of interest.

Engineering & Fabrication
Heavy Industry is hard on hands which are the most important tool and can’t be replaced so it’s crucial that you give attention to your hand washing and skincare provision. Perhaps you feel staff aren’t using the products provided or you get never-ending complaints that the soap’s just no good! The right product in the right location in a reliable and robust dispenser will make all the difference to your washrooms, improve staff well-being and reduce waste. Arrange a free no-obligation visit from Cleancare for a worthwhile skincare and washroom review for commercial cleaning products wholesale.

Leisure Clubs and Sports Venues
When the game is on and the venue is crammed with clients everything is put to the test. At Cleancare we can provide large-capacity dispensing systems that avoid running out of toilet paper, hand towels, and soap when your washrooms get really busy. Perhaps pilferage is an issue or you constantly have to deal with toilet paper on the floor? Whatever challenges you face, Cleancare has experienced all this before and can help overcome your problems in the bathrooms cost-effectively with professional cleaning products uk.
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Featured Professional Cleaning Products
Cleaning Chemicals
Brushes, Mops & Buckets
Washroom Cleaning
Brushes, Mops & Buckets